Scholarship Strategies

Scholarship Road Map



Scholarship Strategies



When answers to questions require more information and are more complex, we offer confidential personal consultations.

Sometimes the personal consultation is directly with a parent or an athlete. Many times our consults are with both parents and the athlete on a private conference call line.

Once the Personal Consult is purchased, you will receive an email confirming your purchase and it will also include a link to Coach Wise calendar to schedule your call.

In order to prepare and make the best use of your time, the email will also ask you to respond back with a bit of history and an initial list of questions you have. During the call, Coach Wise will answer those questions and any others you have and advise on next-steps or options if needed.

The fee is $125 and includes a review of your questions prior to the call, a 30-minute call and if needed, a brief follow-up email immediately after.


Scholarship Strategies


The recruiting process is an exciting time in a high school athlete’s life but it can also be very confusing and stressful. Every day we talk to parents and student-athletes who regret they didn’t take more time or have better information when selecting and committing to a school. In a confidential consult, Coach Wise will review the recruiting rules that pertain specifically to your athlete and answer any questions that you have about the recruiting process, campus visits, eligibility, National Letter of Intent and Scholarships. If the situation warrants, he will also discuss any other resources or services that might be helpful for making the best decision for your family. ALL information shared is private and confidential – nothing is shared with schools, coaches, etc. unless you specifically ask Coach Wise to contact someone for info on your behalf.

When you need quick, simple answers to concise questions, we offer fee-based confidential Email Consults where Coach Wise answers your questions via email within 24 hours.

An E-Consult is for you if:

  • You need quick, simple answers
  • You have follow-up questions after a personalized consult to clarify a few points
  • You are a person whose primary speaking language is not English, but you can read English
  • You’re not ready for a full phone consultation but have a few questions you need answering in anticipation of a phone consult.

Once the Email Consult is purchased, you will receive an email confirming your purchase and you will respond back with your questions. The fee is $75 and includes up to 3 concise email exchanges within 1 week of the initial email.



Academic& Athletic Consultant